Are you ready for your next book launch?

You’ve got a fire storyline, an amazing book cover, and a ready-and-waiting audience but are you really ready to launch your next book?

Before my book is launched I:


A pixel is:

We are sending your results and a special gift now; we just need a little more information.



YOU’RE READY! A woman with a plan can’t lose.

Baby don’t walk…run and show the world what you’ve been working on.

Gifting your new masterpiece to the world and knowing who it's for is only half the battle of getting it into the hands of the people who want it. 

The book world is changing (it’s evolving) and you are ahead of the game, I’m proud of you and can’t wait to see what you have in store.

Below are some tips that you may have yet to think of.

You’ve been on this author journey on your own for long enough, I want you to know that I’m here to assist in the best ways I know, by providing you with the tools, marketing, and systems strategies that help you sell your book without the stress. 

Tips on how to make your next book launch a success: 

If you are promoting your books/business on Facebook and/or Instagram (whether paid or free) you should have the Facebook pixel installed on your account. This will begin to collect data on your audience and how they’re engaging with you. When you’re ready to add ads to your strategy having a pixel is like printing money.  

Consider offering a book that you wouldn’t mind gifting for free to get old readers excited and new eyes on your work. 

Have a solid follow-up sequence when someone purchases (emails thanking them, asking for reviews, and introducing them to other work).

Who the hell are you…I’m glad you asked. I’m Shequana and I’m a marketing and systems genius by day and book lover by night. This year I decided that the awesomely talented women that bring the books I love to life needed my help and I rose to the occasion, bringing my marketing and system expertise to the literary world. Stay tuned, I have so much in store to help you turn your writing into a full-time career. 

Want more tips on marketing your books, make sure you’re receiving my emails and following me on YouTube (@justwritesis) and Instagram (just_write_sis) where I do trainings weekly.


YOU’RE ALMOST THERE. A few tweaks and you’re ready

What your quiz answers say to me is that you know that you’re on your way to being an amazing marketer (if you’re a business, you’re a marketer just in case you weren’t aware), you’ve probably been marketing but you need a few tips and techniques to push you to marketing excellence to get your books in the hands of everyone who should have it.

Tips on how to make your next book launch a success: 

If you are promoting your books/business on Facebook and/or Instagram (whether paid or free) you should have the Facebook pixel installed on your account. This will begin to collect data on your audience and how they’re engaging with you. When you’re ready to add ads to your strategy having a pixel is like printing money.  

Consider offering a book that you wouldn’t mind gifting for free to get old readers excited and new eyes on your work. 

Have a solid follow-up sequence when someone purchases (emails thanking them, asking for reviews, and introducing them to other work). Have a follow-up strategy  

Who the hell are you…I’m glad you asked. I’m Shequana and I’m a marketing and systems genius by day and book lover by night. This year I decided that the awesomely talented women that bring the books I love to life needed my help and I rose to the occasion, bringing my marketing and system expertise to the literary world. Stay tuned, I have so much in store to help you turn your writing into a full-time career. 

Want more tips on marketing your books, make sure you’re receiving my emails and following me on YouTube (@justwritesis) and Instagram (just_write_sis) where I do trainings weekly.



First, you’re in the right place at the perfect time. There is no better time than now to turn your writing into a full-time career. The resources available to authors are endless and I’m here to help you inject strategic marketing and strategy into your writing business.

But first things first, below are some tips on what to do to begin to develop your marketing strategy for your next book launch.  

Vision - Setting the stage and bringing your current and soon-to-be readers into your new project before they ever read it will have them flocking to download and purchase your books.

Determining your vision is as easy as knowing the feeling you want your readers to experience while reading your work. This will make marketing and developing your strategy much easier.

Strategy - Be the woman with a plan for your next book launch. When I work with authors on their book launches my first question is what are your goals for this launch, is it to grow your readership, to make money, or to start and grow their network/email list (this is just as important as book sales, the money resides in your list).


Grow your readership: YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and/or Facebook could all play a major role in growing your readership being, getting in front of your audience us easy and being visible doesn’t have to be hard. With proper planning and tools, you can get this done and sit back and relax.

Grow your network/email list: Offer a free ebook. Bonus tip: Offer an ebook that relates to another book (it doesn’t have to be a series) and will keep them wanting more.

Make money - To make the money you deserve for your craft your strategy should (no must) include a bomb follow-up sequence that keeps them coming back for more (emails thanking them, asking for reviews, and introducing them to other work).

Implementation and optimization - Now that we brought our readers into our vision and created a strategy it’s time to work. To make this easy (my middle name) having an amazing CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system that allows you to market, house, and nurtures your readers will help with this. If you’re not familiar with a CRM, stick with me I’ll get you together.

These 3 things will change the way you market, you will be able to market with confidence  Now it's time to give the people what they want. It’s time to market your body of work. 

Need help with any of these three things (they are vital to growing your business) make sure you’re receiving my emails and following me on YouTube (@justwritesis) and Instagram (just_write_sis) where I do trainings weekly.

Who the hell are you…I’m glad you asked. I’m Shequana and I’m a marketing and systems genius by day and book lover by night. This year I decided that the awesomely talented women that bring my love of books to life needed my help and I rose to the occasion, bringing my marketing and system expertise to the literary world. Stay tuned, I have so much in store to help you turn your writing into a full-time career.